Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Villages live in fear of wild elephants

Residents of Several villages in Shrawastipura in Anurdhapura are living in constant fear of a
possible danger to their life from a herd of wild elephants that raid the cultivated land and
home gardens at dusk.

They pointed out that the people in Sinthikulam, Henapolayagama, Aluthwewa, Kandugampolagama,

Siyambalewa, Moragoda were exposed to the wild elephant threat and that the
herd destroyed paddy elds,

Chena cultivation and their home garden crops.

Villagers said they had been facing the threat of wild elephants for more than 10 years due to
the negligence in the maintenance of the electric fence from Moragoda in Shravastipura to

Thala that prevent wild elephants roaming into the human habitats through AnuradhapuraKurunegala

They pointed out that their children do not attend school in fear of a possible danger to their
lives. They said a schoolboy had a narrow escape when he was attacked by a jumbo and that so
far about 12 people had been trampled to death.

They requested the Wildlife Conservation Department to repair and maintain the electric
fence to prevent the wild elephants from roaming into the villages.

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